It benefits us all, financially and spiritually, to keep aware of how we all depend on one another. When you do, you market through a broader lens of consciousness and a deeper sense of conscience. Quoting John Muir, naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club—“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”
Emotional Connection:
The Heart of Marketing validates and supports the value of the heart-to-heart connections you bring to the marketplace. The felt connection between seller and buyer creates a level of emotional authenticity and transparency that adds an entire dimension to a sale beyond mere commercial transaction.
Selling Is Spiritual Service:
Soft sell marketers struggle with the split between the desire to be of service and the need to be well paid. Historically they have been viewed as care-givers who should work without ambition for money, because it was thought that money would corrupt the service they offer. That’s a false notion and we repudiate it. There is a deep validity and social value inherent in soft sell marketers’ ambition to generate money as it ranks second but equal to their concern for the well-being of their customers and clients.
Love is not so much a “to do” as a “to be.” It’s the doorway to the powerful core of soft sell marketing:
Love for the people you are serving;
Love for their needs;
Love for your product or service;
Love for the benefits you provide;
Love for your self and what you bring to the world.When you love your customers, they will love you back with their trust, their willingness to spread the word about you, and their loyalty. They will be your partners in the business you are co-creating.
Now, as if learning this great concept weren't enough, Judith and Jim have joined together with a few friends to offer you something wonderful. Anyone who purchases a copy of this book on May 14th from here:
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Any marketing strategy that emphasizes spirituality and love as key ingredients is top shelf in my world. Thanks for sharing this - I'll check out the links as well.
Thanks for sharing about Judith and Jim and their book on marketing, Joyce. It sounds like a great concept and could be very helpful to those of us with spiritual books we want to reach others, and do so with love.
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