In today's economy, it is essential to find new approaches to selling. No longer is the world ready to be bullied into purchasing things just because. If in-your-face selling no longer works, what is a salesperson to do. Enter Judith and Jim, ready to help old and new sales persons alike with their new book, The Heart of Marketing.
“The Heart of Marketing” is a book about marketing. But more important, it’s a book about soft sell marketers, and their desire to market and sell their products and services online or off without compromising their personal and professional

Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD are a husband and wife psychology team. With no background in sales or marketing they’ve created an expansive online career in less than four years. The leading voice for the soft sell approach to marketing and sales, they are best known for producing the only Internet marketing conference for the Soft Sell Community which they call “Bridging Heart and Marketing.”
They also provide their popular “Soft Topic Copywriting Secrets” Home Study Course. And with partner Tom Justin they developed the only course for the true Internet marketing beginner. “First Step Internet Marketing,” with students in 16 countries.
They founded the Soft Sell Marketers Association (SSMA) to provide support, training, and community for fellow soft sell marketers. The SSMA is dedicated to helping you grow your business as you grow you Self.
Their approach to marketing focuses on the internal elements of marketing as well as the external. They believe if you don’t have a solid internal foundation, your business may succeed but will never be fulfilling. To assist their colleagues toward that fulfillment, they have produced “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous,”a 12-Cd program that digs deep into what holds people back, and a weekend intensive they call “Magnify Your Excellence.”
Judith & Jim are the bestselling authors of five relationship books. Be Loved for Who You Really Are (St. Martin's Press), The New Intimacy (HCI ), Opening to Love 365 Days a Year (HCI), The Smart Couple’s Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams (New World Library), and Living Your Love Every Day (eBook).
Judith is a clinical psychologist who worked in private practice for twenty-two years. Jim holds a doctorate in Human Behavior and co-founded the Men's Health Network in Washington, D.C.
They are popular and inspiring international speakers and trainers. As guest experts they've been on over 1500 television and radio shows including Oprah, The View, The O’Reilly Factor, 48 Hours, CNN, Canada AM, and The Daily Buzz.
They have written for or been interviewed by hundreds of publications including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, the Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Cosmo, O, Bridal Guide, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, Playboy, Essence, Women’s Day, Family Circle, Parents, Brides, Men’s Health, and Best Life.
Married 21 years, Judith & Jim currently live in Las Vegas
Please come back tomorrow, when we will delve deeper into this book.
In todays global economy, we need a better way to sell what we have and this sounds like it is just what is needed. From all the data they have available, there was a lot of study, research and work put into it.
Good post
Okay, definitely need to get this book!
L. Diane Wolfe
Thanks for the heads up with this post, Joyce. I believe in these concepts and seems as though these two authors have it nailed down and published in a very useful and helpful way.
Hello Joyce!
Wonderful comments about The Heart of Marketing on your blog! Yes - it is time for a new commerce of consciousness and conscience, caring and connection. Thank You for covering our book - the voice for this important evolution.
Judith & Jim
Judith Sherven, PhD and
Jim Sniechowski, PhD
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