ISBN 13: 9781419691577
ISBN 1-4196-9157-0
Copyright © 2008 Karen Cioffi and Robyn Feltman
Soft cover
28 pages
All children feel happy and safe falling asleep to the sound of a parent singing. To a child, a parent's voice is angelic, no matter what. Today's featured guest, Karen Cioffi, shared the wondrous gift of her voice with her children by singing a lullaby she wrote. Now she and her youngest daughter have created a book that will allow every parent that opportunity.
Day’s End Lullaby is a tender and charming illustrated children’s book. From a reminder that the sun has set and all beloved toys are awaiting tomorrow’s play, Day’s End Lullaby soothes and quiets even those children who struggle against sleep. The authors’ artistry is found in their understanding of the sense of security needed by children at bedtime.
“Your day’s been long and full of fun. But, now you’re much too tired to run,” sings the parent to the child in the lullaby. Day’s End Lullaby has rhyming phrases along with a rhythmic flow.
Author Cioffi composed the poem and music over 30 years ago to help her first born fall asleep and then used it again for her second child. She saw positive results in singing it and now sings it to her two young grandsons. She reassures them, “The sun has set, it’s out of view. The moon’s now shining bright for you.”
Karen Cioffi is a former accountant. Having to leave the accounting field due to MS, she turned author and freelance writer. She has a number of articles in ezinearticles.com. Karen spends part of her day managing Virtual Book Tours and her blog, following up on emails, and writing. She also watches her toddler grandson and baby grandson two days a week.
She is co-moderator of another yahoo group, Intense Writing, a critique group that covers children’s stories from picture books to young adult.
Karen is currently revising a chapter book, Walking Through Walls and working on fiction and non-fiction articles for children’s magazines. In addition to this she and Robyn are working on another picture book and a science fiction middle grade short story. Karen plays a little piano and guitar and does art work for friends and family. She lives with her husband, Donald Ventrice, in New York City.
Robyn Feltman holds a master’s degree in Children’s Literature and is a fourth grade elementary public school teacher. She recently completed her Administration/Supervision degree and is currently working on her Superintendent certificate.
She is an initiator of environmental and humanitarian projects in her school; one of these projects is the Oambassador Program. Robyn has the cutest black cocker-spaniel, Luna, and lives in New York City.
When asked what her personal philosophy on life is, Karen replied:
"My personal philosophy is based on words from the Bible: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” These are two simple sentences that if the world adhered to would eliminate all wars, murders, violence and theft.
And, life to a large degree is what we make of it. Try to be content with what you have while striving to achieve your best. I am also a firm believer in positive projection."
To learn more about Karen and her work, visit:
Day’s End Lullaby is available for sale at Amazon, BookSurge, Alibris and Abebooks. It is also available through additional wholesale and retail channels worldwide such as Books in Print, Global Books in Print and Baker and Taylor.
For more information please visit the authors at:
To purchase Days End Lullaby from Amazon, please visit:

This sounds like a very sweet book for a mother and daughter to read together! And how wonderful that it is a mother-daughter collaboration!
I read, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” These are two simple sentences that if the world adhered to would eliminate all wars, murders, violence and theft." and I have to agree totally. If the golden rule was always applied this would be a much nicer world.
As for singing to the children, yes I agree if the voice doesn't scare the daylights out of them. My daughter can sing and I'm not sure about dad, but grampa warps walls with his singing.
Hey, Joyce,
Thanks so much for hosting me this tour.
And, thanks Mayra and Underwriter for stopping by.
Don't worry Underwriter, Day's End Lullaby can just as easily be read to your little loved one!
Very nice post, Joyce. I love Karen and Robyn's book. I think singing to your children is very special. I'm glad they reminded us about it.
Karen, the online critique group you offer is invaluable. I get requests all the time for critique groups to join. If you'll send me a little paragraph for the tips section in my newsletter Sharing with Writers, I'd love to run it.
Anyone interested in receiving that newsletter need only e-mail me at hojonews @ aol.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. (-:
The book sounds lovely. And this-
"My personal philosophy is based on words from the Bible: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
I am SO down with that. :)
Ones live certainly has a way of becoming books. Karen, thanks for turning your moments into this enduring book. Well done.
Best wishes,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments everyone. as a mother who read to her son from the earliest of age, I can atest to how important good books are for kids!
It seems to me that this book is something all parents should have. It reminds me of the time I used to sing to my own babies at bedtime-my mom used to sing to me too. A book like this is definitely very useful and lovely. Safety feelings are very important for kids-I agree.
Thanks everyone for stopping by.
And, thank you again, Joyce, for hosting me!
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