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Talking With Beverly McClure, Young Adult/Children's Author

Today and tomorrow, we'll be visiting with Beverly Stowe McClure.  Beverly has several books published and contracts for more.  I'll share info on the latest one tomorrow, but today I'd like to share an interview with Ms, McClure.  Don't forget to drop her a comment!!!

What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

Quiet, kind, emotional.

How do you think others would describe you?

Honest, dependable, a true friend

Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing

My grandchildren, animals, and genealogy

Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.

I have a calico cat named Patches. She’s a little stray that showed up one day on our patio. She was catching insects to eat. So I started feeding her. At first she was shy, but eventually she let me scratch her ears. The next thing I knew, she was in the house, making herself at home. She talks to us with little squeaky meows. She also puts her paw on my knee when she wants in my lap and waits for me to tell her it’s okay. Can you tell how much I love her?

What is your most precious memory?

Bringing my second son home from the hospital healthy. My firstborn son lived only three days.

What is your most embarrassing memory

My mind must have blanked it out because I can’t recall anything.

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

Probably teaching. I loved it when I was. Or traveling to historical places.

In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Beverly quietly went to live with her Heavenly Father last night. On Earth, she was a Christian, wife, mother, teacher, and writer of stories and articles for children and teens. She graduated cum laude from Midwestern University with a BSED degree. She was selected Conservation Teacher of the Year in 1988 in the Wichita S.W.C.D. She loved her family and enjoyed genealogy research, playing the piano, and scrap booking.

She was blessed with her husband, Jack, for 53 years, and three sons and their wives. Rex and Kristina, Scott and Ann, Kelly and Amy. She adored her six grandchildren, Amanda (and husband Paul), Courtney, Felicity, Shawn, Scottie, and Katie. She also had three lovely great-grandchildren, Riley, Paige, and Henry. A sister, Linda Landers also survives her. Beverly’s parents, Lorena and Audra Stowe, a son, David, a granddaughter, Sierra, and brother Arwood left their earthly home before her. They are reunited now.

Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a “real” writer?

I think, when my first article was published in Happiness, a TV Guide type magazine, I finally believed I could be a “real” writer.

What is going on with your writing these days?

I’m busy promoting my latest young adult historical novel, Caves, Cannons, and Crinolines. Also, I’m editing my forthcoming contemporary novel, Life on Hold, due out summer 2011. I’m working on the synopsis and query letter for my middle grade paranormal story. Three other manuscripts are in various stages of development.

What are your future goals for your writing?

I hope to continue writing for children and teens as long as I am breathing.

Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

I usually start the day by checking my email and answering the important ones, saving the others till later in the day. From about 9 to 11 or 12 AM, I write. At the present, I have three novels in progress.

After lunch I work on promotion, do research, post on blogs, and whatever needs to be done.

Evenings, I critique manuscripts for my crit groups, write reviews, and take care of other business.

Why do you write

I write because I like to escape to other worlds and times and places. I like to explore feelings and emotions. I write because it gives me purpose in life and brings joy.

What writer most inspires you? Why?

I really can’t think of anyone in particular.

How do you define your writing?

Good question. I’d say, an eclectic mixture of humor, life, history, and contemporary.

In one sentence—what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?

I wish I’d written that book. J

Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?

Web site: http://beverlystowemcclure.wordpress.com/

Blogs: http://beverlystowemcclure.blogspot.com/




Is there a place where readers can reach you?


Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

Listen to the Ghost – YA paranormal

Secrets I Have Kept – YA mystery

Rebel in Blue Jeans – YA contemporary

Just Breeze – Tween contemporary

Caves, Cannons, and Crinolines – YA historical

For new readers—what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

Real-life situations with a touch of humor whenever possible, characters (even the ghosts) that have problems readers can relate to and cheer for them to succeed in their goals. I like to write about vivid settings that give the reader a sense of place and how it relates to the characters and their lives.

Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers—what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

I’d like you, my readers, to know how much I appreciate your interest in my work. Time is so valuable in these days of fast-paced living, I want you to feel like you can relax awhile, forget the jillion things you have to do and enjoy my stories. I hope you can bring away something positive from your reading.

I’m surprised that I’m actually a writer. My life plans did not include a career as an author. Sometimes, though, our lives take off in unexpected directions. Mine did. I’m so glad I followed the winding road with the uncertain ending.

You, dear readers, are very precious to me. Without you, I’d have no one to write for. Thank you. Thank you.

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Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Good morning, Joyce. Thank you so much for hosting me today. You ask great questions.

Hi everyone. Leave a comment today and you'll be entered in a contest to win a signed copy of Caves, Cannons, and Crinoines.


Beth Reinke said...

Loved the part about Patches putting her paw on your knee, Bev. She must be a sweet kitty.

Anonymous said...

Patches is a good kitty name. Strays seem to make the best furkids, for some reason.
Good interview.

Anonymous said...

Beverly and Joyce, very nice interview. I enjoyed learning about you Beverly and will certainly purchase one of your interesting books. Patches and my Marble would get along good, I think. Funny, how they weave their way into your life and then you find you can't do without them.

Pee Wee (Sylvia)

Unknown said...

Excellent interview - Beverly you sound like a very prolific writer and the stories sound great! I wish you much success.
Billie A Williams

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Patches is a sweetheart, Beth. One of the best cats I've ever had, and there have been quite a few.

Thanks for stopping by, unwriter. My husband named her cause she looks lika patchwork quilt.

Hi Sylvia, Yes cats have a way of touching our hearts. Love the name Marble. Great. I hope you enjoy my writing.

Hi Billie, Thanks for the well-wishes. They are much appreciated.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

To Pat and Ron who had trouble posting. Don't feel bad. Every time I try to leave a comment on any blogspot site I have to put in my password twice. It's never accepted the first time.

Anyhow, thanks for your nice comments. You're both entered in the drawing.

Google did it again. One more time. :)

Have a nice week.

Cheryl said...

Wonderful interview ladies. I've read Bev's latest book and loved it. The Civil War is one of my favorite periods to study.

Best of luck promoting your book, Bev.


Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Bev and Joyce, thanks for the interesting interview. I love learning more about my "cyber" friends. Joyce you asked some great questions.

Connie Arnold said...

Great interview, Joyce and Beverly. Those were some good questions, and I enjoyed the answers!

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