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Overcomer's Inc.

We've all been there at one time or another--that dark place where we have no clue which way to turn. Some people don't make it through--yet most of us do. Overcomer's Inc. is a selection of true stories of hope, courage, and inspiration. It will give readers the knowledge and emotional resilience to face the most difficult times of life by sharing inspiring stories of triumph.
You will find this a book of diversity. There are many authors, from many walks of life. However, they all share a common bond. They triumphed over tragedy and gleaned wisdom in this process. While this is not a religious book, there are stories full of faith, of many kinds and flavors. It is funny how in your darkest times, faith often becomes your brightest light.

All of the contributors to this book want to encourage you to hold tight to your belief that a better day will come. It is their sincere desire to pass along what they’ve learned through their own trials, to make your journey easier.

To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch

I will be sharing both excerpts and author interview from this collection as the week continues, ending with my review on Friday. Why so many days on one book? Because we all HAVE been there--and this book is one that could have made those times less painful.

Check out this Table of Contents:

Overcomers, Inc., Inspiring Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration


Section 1- Hope

When Tough Times Hit, There Is Always HOPE!- Mary Hayes-Bridges
Coincidence is God's Way of Remaining Anonymous- Martha Lee Bohn
One Size Does Not Fit All- Nancie Benson
Second Chances- Kathleen Gage
Listen to What Your Heart Already Knows- Lauren Salamone
When All Else Fails, There is Magic- Steven Rotz
When Grace Comes to Get You- Barbara McCollough
My Crazy, Beautiful Life Makeover- Karen Keeney
Finding My Purpose Through Adversity and Practical Experience- Nachhi Randhawa
The Weed That Broke Through the Sidewalk- Marifran Korb
Decide and Go Seek: Overcoming Life’s Chronic Little Challenges to Let Your Purpose Shine Through- Julio Blanco
I Am Experiencing "N.O.W." – (New Omnipotent Ways) Susan Hampton
Getting Older (and Over!) The "Not Enough" Syndrome- Marlene Oulton
Create A Magical Life: Tap Into Your Soul's Intention of Abundance – Catherine Newton

Section 2- Courage

The Awesome Power of Optimism: A Personal Journey to HOPE- Frances Thomas
Saying Good-bye to a Business I Loved -Christine Kloser
Surrender To The Moment- Holly Eburne
How Big Is Your Tent? One Man's Quest to Find the Answer for More, More, More- Joshua Aragon
Calling of the Heart -Nelie Johnson
Remember to Stop and Just Breathe- Colleen Bain
The Call to Trust and Believe in Healing Love- Lalei E. Gutierrez
How the Airline Safety Speech Saved My Life- Amelie Chance
When Your Intuition Calls, Answer the Phone!- Rev. Rita “MeKila” Herring
The Waiting Room Miracle- Lynne Klippel
Willy Loman, I Am Not!- Kimberly Martin
The Dance of The Sacred Sensual Me- Leela Francis
140 Boxes…. More Than a Ton of Ancient History -Virginia Fischer
Are You Credit Worthy?- Nancy Cotter

Section 3- Inspiration

When the Rain Falls- Paula Morand
Growing Up After Fifty: It's Never Too Late to Bloom- Tomar Levine
How Do I Get Out Of Here?- Scott Cunningham
A Time of Grief - A Time of Peace –Catherine Van Wetter
Transformative Power of Intimacy- Philip Belzunce
Forgiveness - The Key to Unlocking Your Prison- Corrine Ropp
Starting Over: A Journey of Loss and Recovery- Margaret Sarkissian
Awakening to Her True Self- Colleen Russell
From Trauma To Triumph: One Woman's Empowering Journey From Fragmented Child to Conscious Entrepreneur- Charlon Bobo
Let God Do the Driving- Jan Janzen

Please come back tomorrow for a deeper look into this book!

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Kimberly Martin said...

Hi Joyce,

You are so right about how inspiring the soon-to-be-released Overcomers, Inc. book is. Looking at the variety of topics makes you realize the wealth of experiences that are shared through the pages of this amazing anthology.

Thanks for your posting.


Anonymous said...

This looks like a book everyone should read. From the looks of the table of contents, it covers a large variety. I'll be back tomorrow to see more of this.

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