ISBN: ISBN 9780982256534
Cost: $15.95 Hardback, $4.95 e-book
So often people expect God toappear in front of them or to send an angel, complete with wings and halo, to direct them. When they fail to get this dramatic display, they complain that God doesn't listen. What they fail to understand, is that God speaks with us daily; it is up to us to listen.
Why God Matters strives to get just that point across. Alternating between Bible and church passages, quotes and personal stories, authors Karina Fabian and Steven Lumbert take their reader through the seemingly innocent moments of life that teach us our most valuable lessons -- and show us how God is consistently present with His support, advice and answers.
This is a short book but it covers much. Written in a conversational manner, the authors share the special moments that helped them learn what faith is and how it works. Each story is followed by the life lesson that was learned. The style is not "preachy" but matter-of-fact and includes not only those "perfect" moments, but those that cause concern or show moments of weakness. You know you are reading words that come from the hearts of these two authors.
While the church doctrine is Catholic, the words chosen are words you would find in any Christian religion. This is not a book that should be read by only those of the Catholic faith, but instead by all who have experienced the touch of God in the everyday moments of life. I would even enture to say that anyone who is searching or questioning whether God listens can benefit from reading Why God Matters. Several times while reading, I stopped as a memory entered my mind of one of those everyday life lessons that have taken place in my life. I can say with all honesty that you will too.
Why God Matters rates six colors on the Rainbow Scale.

Dear Joyce,
Thank you for your lovely words about Why God Matters. I'm excited to see it ranked six colors, but even more pleased that you found it so worthwhile.
What a great summation of what this book is all about.
Some people get scared when they see a book about religion - you're right, they back away because they think it's going to be preachy.
Thanks for showing how approachable this book is!
Dear Joyce,
Your review was exciting to read. As a first time author, I am so humbled that you found this book worthwhile. Our hope was that people would recall incidents in their own lives as you have.
Thank you for a very uplifting review.
God Bless
Deacon Steve Lumbert
I am not anonymous. just hitting the wrong button
I can understand the hesitation about "religious" books. While my spirituality is strong, I don't like people telling me what I should believe. I always find it refreshing to see a book that conveys deep spirituality, yet allows the reader to make up their own mind. You guys did very well!! Deacon, you managed what you set out to do :-)
Nice review, Joyce.
Congratulations, Karina.
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