I have always found the best way to judge the quality of a children's book was to take it to the intended audience, so I got a group of neighborhood kids together and read Glamour Girl From the Stars to them. I also included a couple adults. The reaction was wonderful. The kids all had some comment, whether about PleeDee or the places she visited or about the illustrations. All the comments were positive and this book did exactly what a good children's book should do--it got the audience talking and thinking. The parents gave it a thumbs up also, saying the message was one they believed can't be stressed enough in today's world.
While I had a slight problem with the way the rhyming flowed in one or two spots as I read, it did not phase the children and I would have to say it was a minor issue that did not take away from the book. This is a book I can see belonging in every elementary school classroom and anywhere else that children, especially girls, gather. I can also picture this as a daytime children's program, expanding PleeDee's adventures.
Glamour Girl From the Stars rates five colors on the Rainbow Scale!
For more information about this virtual book tour, please visit http://bookpromotionservices.com/2010/05/13/blog-tour-carlton-scotts-glamour-girl-from-the-stars/ You can learn more about this author and purchase his books at http://www.carltonsbooks.com/index.html .

It sounds like a great book, Joyce, as well as a message that is so needed with the young girls of today. They need to know that they are valuable for WHO THEY ARE, not HOW THEY LOOK. Best of luck to the author.
Janet Elaine Smith, multi-genre author
A great review and done the way it should be, by way of the kids. I can picture you doing this, you have the right voice for it.
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