The most powerful men and women in the world today often find their hands shaking and words tumbling out in every direction except the correct one when faced with talking to the media. There is something about that spotlight that makes us forget we are intelligent beings with something worth saying. Jonathan Bernstein understands this and has come to the rescue. He has written
Keeping the Wolves at Bay: Media Training to help all those
who come into contact with the media learn to respond with finesse.

Anyone who has achieved some degree of success in business, government work, helping run a non-profit organization, or any other field may be interviewed by the news media. This is a rich opportunity to gain positive publicity, but you can also find yourself in a position where you look bad. Jonathan L. Bernstein, president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc., has varied professional experiences, including public relations, crisis management, journalism, and covert military intelligence operations. Bernstein is a regular guest commentator and expert source for national media outlets and PR Week described him as one of 22 individuals nationwide "who should be on the speed dial in a crisis."
Bernstein has written an accessible, enjoyable book for anyone who may have to deal with the media, whether face-to-face, by phone, or online. Keeping the Wolves at Bay: Media Training brings readers the best of Bernstein's nearly three decades of crisis management and media training experience, written in a style that's both entertaining and informative.
Tomorrow, I will be sharing an excerpt from this book and on Wednesday my review. This promises to be an exciting and informative couple of days! We invite you to join us on Jonathan Bernstein’s virtual tour this summer – for much more information about the tour, the author and the book, visit -
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