1. What was your inspiration for writing this book?
This is an unusual case because I wasn't inspired to write this book--I was asked. Tribute had a great idea for a small book of faith stories and devotional exercises. They had the title, format, even the cover and website--they just needed the writer. Nicole, the editor asked around and it sounded like such a fun, fast project that I was tempted. Then, when I got the idea to involve my dad, Deacon Steve Lumbert, but getting him to write half the stories, I couldn't resist!
2. Do you find it difficult to market Catholic-oriented books?
Not at all. I know the target audience, the market and the means. I do not expect a NYT best-seller out of it--it's not that kind of book. I am getting a lot of help from Tribute, more than I've ever had from a publisher. I have a lot of confidence in the success of this book.
Frankly, it's such a neat, fast read, that I think it will do well with word of mouth, too, once the audience starts building.
3. If you had to pick one thing readers get from this book, what would it be?
The ability to look at the small, everyday events in their lives and see how God works through them to show His love, to give His guidance, and to offer His support.
4. Do you feel your faith directs all your writing?
Depends on what you mean. Do I wake up in the morning thinking, "I'm going to write a story to show the importance of Confession!"? Definitely not. Do I find that sometimes, a character ends up going to Confession? It has happened--adn it was a hilarious scene, as Vern (my dragon detective) had to confess eating a guy's hand and enjoying it to a priest who's never even seen a real dragon before. It was an out-of-the-blue, character-driven event that I did not plan. So in that way, faith does direct my writing--but not to proselytize, just to entertain in a quirky way.
5. Do you have any other works currently in process?
Neeta Lyffe, Zombie Exterminator: Neeta agrees to train zombie exterminators for a reality TV show, but who knew dealing with the living (especially the Hollywood living) would be harder than dealing with the undead? I am having a great time writing this, putting in all kinds of sarcasm, twisting clichés and projecting trends to ridiculous extremes. Who knew a frustrated woman with a chain saw could be such fun to write?
Once Neeta is done, I am going to rewrite my sci-fi novel, Discovery. It's about an alien artefact that lets folks see into their souls. For most of us, that's not an easy thing.
Gapman, my superhero spoof in the DragonEye, PI universe is on hold for now, but I scribble down scenes as I come up with them.
6. Where can readers learn more about you, your writing and your books?
http://www.fabianspace.com has all my books, my bio, and my current news.
7. Do you have anything you would like to share with our readers today?
Since most of your readers are writers, I'd like to encourage them to keep their eyes and minds open to new writing opportunities. For the last decade, I've pretty much focused on writing fiction, and think I do pretty good at it. (Magic, Mensa and Mayhem just won the INDIE Book Awards for best fantasy). However, I am very proud of Why God Matters. Not only do I think it's probably the most important book I've written--if any of my books can be called "important,"--it also gave me a wonderful opportunity to share something with my dad.
Publisher: Tribute Books, http://www.tribute-books.com
ISBN: ISBN 9780982256534
Cost: $15.95 Hardback, $4.95 e-book
Want an Autographed Book Plate? Use the contact form at http://www.tribute-books.com/whygodmatters/author.html

Thanks, Joyce for taking time to interview me. I'm looking forward to your review!
Great interview, Joyce. I am reviewing this book for Karina's book tour, so this has helped me to get to know it a little better.
Best of luck, Karina. Your current WIP sounds fabulous.
Lovely interview, Joyce and Karina! I've read the book, and loved it! Thanks for sharing a little more of Karina with me.
Wow - thank you Joyce for the fantastic coverage of "Why God Matters" - many thanks :)
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