The above video tells more about Promises Kept than mere words, so I wanted to share it with everyone! My original intent for today was to interview Ms. Bradford, but I found so many great questions that she's answered over the past couple of weeks that I thought I would instead share with you the links so you can take the journey of getting to know Cindy Bradford yourself :-)
First stop on the journey is
Don't stop there, however, or you'll miss a lot! Below is a list of stops on our journey (incluing those yet to come). Enjoy--and come back tomorrow to read my review of Promises Kept!
We invite you to join us on the Promises Kept virtual tour and every comment you post on the tour posts – will get you an entry into a drawing for a copy of the first book in this series – Keeping Faith. Visit for the complete schedule. For more details about Cindy Bradford, visit - and

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