Cindy Bradford has written a book that touches on a subject that many pass over -- the sexual abuse of young boys by what should be one of the most trusted people in their lives, the local priest. Her knowledge of the psychological effects that come from this is perfect. Details overlooked by the average author, such as emotional growth being halted, find their way into the story. It is obvious Ms. Bradford did her research thoroughly in the emotions behind not only abuse, but also in the emotions involved in all situations faced within the pages of Promises Kept.
Cindy Bradford doesn't weigh her book down with needless details. She uses dialogue so well, that you can hear the conversations taking place. Every word carries the story along, drawing you into the midst of the events. This is definitely a book that you need to read with a tissue box nearby, you will need them. It isn't all pain, however; it is a book of hope and healing. Promises Kept reminds us that it is never too late for justice to be served -- or for love to be revived. It also reminds us that life isn't always pretty, but often the good can help heal the bad.
Promises Kept is a book that will strike a chord in almost everyone, for its universal themes of love, loss, pain and healing, is something everyone has experienced. We've all experienced the beginnings that needed endings and the endings that bring beginnings.
Promises Kept ears six colors on the Rainbow Scale.
We invite you to join us on the Promises Kept virtual tour and every comment you post on the tour posts – will get you an entry into a drawing for a copy of the first book in this series – Keeping Faith. Visit for the complete schedule. For more details about Cindy Bradford, visit - and

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are my rainbow today!!!! I so appreciate your reading and reviewing the book. If I can ever help you, you know how to reach me!! Again, thanks
Somehow I pushed the wrong button. That other comment, of course, was mine. Thank you again for the review.
I obviously pushed the wrong button when I sent the thank you button. I'll try this again--thank you so much for the review. I am so pleased.
Thank you for the wonderful book, Cindy!!
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