I remember the question taking me a moment to answer. I'd taken my son to the emergency room and the doctor was asking me how his coloring was. Wasn't the doctor supposed to tell me?
He saw my confusion and explained that I was the one around my son most so I knew best if he looked "normal" Bells went off in my mind!
This was my introduction to the fact that, as the consumer, I actually was quite capable of being a part of any medical care for my son--and myself! What a feeling that created.
Why am I telling you this?
Lorene M. Burkhart is trying to get just that point across with her new book, Sick of Doctors? Then do something about it! Ms. Burkhart explains how so many doctors have developed an attitude that they have the training so their word is gospel--and the average American has allowed this to become part of the way they also look at doctors. This isn't what is best, however, as Lorene, explains.
Doctors are, like everyone else, only human. Ms. Lorene explains how things can cloud a doctors judgment, how it isn't only our right but also our duty to become a part of our own health care. Using case histories and having conducted a great deal of research, Lorene Burkhart explains, in plain English, how you can take the power that is necessary to receive the best health care possible.
Today's medical consumers have many options available, both traditional and alternative methods. While I would have liked to see more discussion on how the uninsured and under-insured could take this control, I was able to see that the choices of providers may not be there, but the chance to be an important part of your own health care is still available--and necessary.
The Resource section at the end of the book offers many very good places to further explore the teachings of this book. You will come away from reading Sick of Doctors? Then do something about it! with a sense of power that will send you on a path toward better health care--and a better chance of leading a healthier life. With all the changes taking place in this country's health care now, this is a must-read for anyone who no longer wants to feel they have no say in how they can get well and stay well. You will never again have to be at the mercy of a doctor who leaves you feeling more scared and confused when you leave the office than when you entered.
Sick of Doctors? rates five colors on the Rainbow Scale.
Join us on the Sick of Doctors? Then Do Something About It! virtual tour. To learn more about the tour, visit http://bookpromotionservices.com/2010/04/26/sick-of-doctors-tour/ . You can also learn more about Lorene Burkhart and the book at http://www.burkhartnetwork.com/ . If you would like to be a host on this tour, contact nikki @ nikkileigh.com

Hi Joyce
Thank you so much for the variety of information you shared with your blog readers this week about Sick of Doctors. I totally agree with you both - that as the patient, we MUST be involved in our health care. Let's hope the message gets through to the masses :)
Nikki Leigh
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