At a time when health care is on the minds of most of the country, Lorene Burkhart's book, Sick of Doctors? Then do something about it! couldn't have arrived at a better time. So often, we are led to believe a doctor knows everything about our health and we know nothing. This is incorrect and Ms. Burkhart has written abook to show you how to empower yourself to obtain the best medical care possible for yourself and your family.
In this groundbreaking book, author Lorene Burkhart challenges each of us to enter the era of empowered patients by letting go of past practices and embracing outcome-based medical services. Being accountable for one's own body and health is a huge step toward improved medical relationships. She rejects the old authoritarian system of "handing it over" to a doctor as one that is no longer appropriate or wise, and that made its exit when the Internet made its entrance. Using a variety of resources as a guide, Burkhart encourages patients to be their own medical advocates with the ultimate reward being their own good health.
Burkhart’s first two books An Accidental Pioneer: A Farm Girl’s Drive to the Finish and Home on the Farm: If Chickens Could Talk are autobiographical accounts of her youth growing up on a farm in southern Indiana. Full of history, farm recipes and photos of her home, they are treasured by others who also grew up in rural areas of the country and shared similar experiences.
Raccoon Tales Hip, Flip, Skip and Boo and their friend Stu and Raccoon Tales: Hip, Flip, Skip and Boo Go to the Zoo are based on stories Burkhart told her two sons when they were children. Preschoolers love these board books for their colorful illustrations and the fluffy removable raccoon tale attached to the book’s spine. Burkhart has generously donated a large quantity of these books to inner city schools in Indianapolis, sharing her love of reading with the community.
Burkhart Network is committed to philanthropy. A portion of sales from each book title benefits a complementary non-profit cause. To date a portion of book sales have benefitted the United Way, the Indiana 4-H Foundation, the Indianapolis Children’s Museum and Indianapolis Public Schools.
The philanthropic culture instilled in Burkhart Network reflects Burkhart’s passion for local and national causes developed during her long career, which she says always boils down to some type of teaching. A trend-setter, Burkhart was a working professional even before most women considered working outside the home. Her professions have included: home economics teacher, radio and television broadcaster (the Martha Stewart of the Midwest), and public relations and marketing executive. She often laughs about being the only woman executive at each job with the perk of having a private bathroom—the ladies room.
When Burkhart remarried in 1985, she decided not to work and discover what else life had to offer. In reflection two decades later, she realizes she shifted from a professional position for pay to a career that offered non-profit causes her time and talents pro bono. She became sought after by non-profit leaders nationally and locally providing advice, leadership and talent to a wide variety of causes. Her civic involvement totals more than 25 boards and organizations focused on a wide-range of causes including arts, girls and women, education, health and elder services.
She continues to pursue new ways to share her time, talent and resources with non-profit organizations. She is a trustee of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, is a board member of Dollars for Scholars (a part of the Scholarship of America), is on the national board of Professor Garfield Foundation and a member of the Purdue University board of the Center for Families. She is completing her third year judging the national college of social entrepreneur competition at Purdue University.
Education and service are the benchmarks of Burkhart’s illustrious life and continue to serve as her guide posts. As a Purdue University alumnus, Burkhart has been instrumental in the success of the school’s most successful fundraising campaigns, leading the way with a $1 million pledge for the creation of the Center for Families within the School of Consumer and Family Sciences. Her many contributions have earned multiple awards and recognition at the local, state and national levels. She says most important to her are the honorary doctorate degrees granted by Purdue University and the University of Indianapolis, where she served as a trustee for 14 years. She also has been named on two separate occasions a Sagamore of the Wabash by Indiana Governors for her philanthropic contributions within the state.
For more information please visit
As the week continues, I will be sharing a brief interview with Lorene Burkhart, a video or two, an excerpt and a review. Please return ech day so you don't miss a thing!
.Join us on the Sick of Doctors? Then Do Something About It! virtual tour. To learn more about the tour, visit . You can also learn more about Lorene Burkhart and the book at If you would like to be a host on this tour, contact nikki @

Hey Joyce -
Thank you for hosting Lorene this week and we hope that your blog readers will find information that is beneficial to them :)
Nikki Leigh
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