Winter Queen - Seasons of Fantasy
Aubrie Dionne
Reviewed by Kira for years old)
We all have our reasons for who we are and what we do in our lives, in the past the Winter Queen had been a princess in a powerful family with all the riches of the world. Everything in her world had changed when she fell in love with a commoner, who held her heart. But all good things come to an end, her love then broke her heart into pieces with a great betrayal, which would never be healed. Now the Princess is controlling the cold winds that come across the lands and those who are in her way feel the wrath of the heart that was once whole, but now broken. To heal the coldest, most fragile heart in life all it takes is the kindest in a person’s heart.
Reviewed by Kira for years old)
Check out Winter Queen - Seasons of Fantasy written by Aubrie Dionne
Dreams Of Beauty - Aubrie Dionne
Publisher: SynergEbooks
ISBN: 0-7743-1097-0 Tweens
Almost every night Emme sees the man of her dreams. She has no idea who he is. He seems so real. Davian is trapped in Emme’s dream. He was cursed by a Sorceress a hundred years ago, destined to live in a dream until a kiss breaks the curse.
Davian’s niece, has assumed control of the Hawthorn Estate. She had a plan to get rich quick. The whole village with be disrupted if she follows through with her plan . There was only one way to stop the evile woman from destroying the village, Davian. Emme set out to rescue Davian and the village.
Reviewed by Lynn for
Check out Dreams Of Beauty written by Aubrie Dionne
How To Train A Rock
Paul Steven Stone
5 stars
For approximately twenty-five years, Paul Steven Stone wrote a syndicated column, “A Stone’s Throw.” In his own words, the column was quirky. How To Train A Rock is a compilation of those columns.
My favorite entry was 1-800-Stones-Throw, where he addresses the annoying trend toward automated answering services. I become so frustrated with the list of Press 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. What button do I push to talk to a real person?
“How To Train a Rock” written by Paul Steven Stone _
Reviewed by Debra for
How to Get What You Deserve by Making People and Companies Deliver on Their Promises, Products, Goods and Services…
Myron Z. Bernstein
Kambs Publishing
5 stars
How to Get What You Deserve by Making People and Companies Deliver on Their Promises, Products, Goods and Services…
Myron Z. Bernstein is a consumer advocate. Despite the term Customer Service, few companies care about you. Their goal is to make money even if thar means cheating you. Bernstein exposes the abuses and the schemes behind warranties, insurance, contractors, rebates, and a number of other consumer “services.”
The difference between most consumers and Myron is –HE FIGHTS BACK—and he WINS
“Have You Been Royally Screwed: How to Get What You Deserve by Making People and Companies Deliver on Their Promises, Products, Goods, and Service” written by Myron Z. Bernstein
Reviewed by Debra for

Nice shout out, Joyce - thanks for posting these! :)
The Old Silly From Free Spirit Blog
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