We all have people we know that inspire us with all they manage to do; Nikki Leigh is such a person in my life. She writes, both fiction and non-fiction, sets up incredible virtual book tours and can be found helping out or setting in motion any number of projects no matter what else is going on in her life. I'm here today to tell you about her newest book, Book Promo 201.
Take a peek at the Table of Contents:
Introduction to Online Book Promotion
Part One - Prepare to Use the Internet to Promote Your Books
Chapter One – Online Promotion Basics
Chapter Two – Identify Your Target Market and Create A Brand
Chapter Three – Financial and Personal Benefits to Promoting on the Internet
Chapter Four – What is This Thing Called Web 2.0?
Chapter Five - Viral Marketing – What Is It and How Can It Help Me
Part Two - Social Sites: Where to Find Them & How to Use Them
Chapter Six - Social Opportunities Online
Chapter Seven – Large Social Site Options
Chapter Eight - Social Sites That Focus on Books and Authors
Chapter Nine - Social Bookmarking
Part Three - Use Blogs for Promotion
Chapter Ten - A Blog Is a Necessity
Chapter Eleven – Are Blogs Useful for Promotion
Chapter Twelve – Use a Virtual Blog Tour to Promote Your Book
Part Four - Use Audio and Video Multi Media to Promote
Chapter Thirteen - Book Trailers – What Are They and How Can You Use The
Chapter Fourteen - Creating a Book Trailer
Chapter Fifteen– Internet Radio Shows and Podcasting
Appendix A - Online Forums
Appendix B - Sites That Charge to Promote Books
Appendix C - Author Interview Opportunities
Appendix D –Blog Resources
Appendix E - Sites to Post Book Trailers
Appendix F – Radio Shows for Author Interviews
Appendix G – Google Products to Use in Promotion
Appendix H - Book Prom 201 Participants
This book certainly covers a great deal! By the time you get through it, you will be a pro at online promotion! If you would like to read what people are already saying about Book Promo 201, Take a peek at this page:
If you would like to find out more about this book and how to order, visit here:
Finally, to get insight into this incredible woman, visit this page:
for a list of links to interviews with Nikki Leigh!
I can personally guarantee that this is one book every writer in today's world must have on their reference shelf.
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I see a book I need. But it will be a month or so before I have the money.
Thank you so much for posting about the book Joyce :) I'm hearing great things from people that are reading the book and they are learning things :) That's one of the big reasons why I wrote it -- to help people learn how to navigate the wonderful opportunities we have on the internet.
Nikki Leigh
Nikki-I only recommend things I truly believe in-and this is an awesome book! You seem to put 110 percent into all you do.
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