Here is the synopsis: Rajah, the big black dog, likes to play in his big back yard. He chases the leaves. He sniffs the air every day. It is his favorite place. One day a strange thing happens. Something hits Rajah on the head. It scares him. A blue ball is up in the sky. Where did the ball come from? Did it do it on purpose? Did it want to make him afraid? Rajah has to find the courage to take back his own world.
Tomorrow, I will be sharing with you my thoughts on this book. For now, please welcome Rajah!
Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
My name is Rajah LeBeau. My mommy me calls me LeBeau. I am a real dog, so I live in a real house with my mommy and my cat friends. Mommy wrote this really neat book about me called Rajah and the Big Blue Ball. So I guess I kind of live there, too.
Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
In the book, Rajah and the Big Blue Ball, I have to face a bully that is trying to take over my backyard. I have to learn to be brave.
How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?
Mommy says that she loves to watch me and all the different things that I do.
She says that it is like watching a child explore his/he environment. So, she writes about those things that she thinks will help real children.
Is your author easy to work with or controlling?
I think that she is easy to work with. She likes to play with me and throw my ball.
Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
Chynna is my favorite friend. Her full name is Chynna Blue. We do everything together inside the house. We even sleep together most days.
Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
Mommy said that she has completed five more books about me. The other books have all kinds of surprises in them. I guess I am full of surprises.
What would you like our readers to know about you?
My mommy adopted me from the Cleveland Animal Protective League. Mommy and I have selected them as one of our favorite charities. Each book that we sell benefits the Cleveland APL.
Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
During this adventure, I learned that courage is more than not being afraid. Courage is being afraid, but still doing what you need to do.
Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?
I think that the most exciting thing that happened was when I decided to face the challenges directly and find the blue ball.
Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?
I wish that I had not spent so much time being afraid. I let the big blue ball keep me from enjoying my life, and my big backyard.
What was your main motivation?
I think that my main motivation was to face the bully in my life, to be able to demonstrate to children that you can take back your world. But, I also needed to show the wisdom of getting outside advice. I couldn't talk to mommy because she couldn't understand what I was trying to say. Plus, I was concerned that if she knew about it, she would allow me to roam my backyard by myself.
Introduce us to your main adversary?
In real life, the attacks went on for a long time. The blue ball would drop sticks and pinecones on me. It would dive at me and hit me on the head. It would yell at me with loud screeching sounds.
Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?
I wanted to tell everything that the big blue ball did to me, but mommy felt that it might make the book too scary for little people. She said that if I was that frightened, them it might frighten my readers. I didn't want to do that!
Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
Rajah and the Big Blue Ball is a wonderful chance for mommies and daddies of real boys and girls to read to their children and discuss how to handle people and things that scare you. It is an opportunity to learn to talk things out rather than fight or hide from the situation.
Please tell everyone where they can find out more about your story and where they can purchase it.
Rajah and the Big Blue Ball is published by PM Moon Publishers, LLC. They have a website and you can purchase a book for mommy and me to autograph at
Or, you can visit Publishers Graphics Bookstore
Alibris Bookstore
Barnes and Noble, and Google .
At Barnes and Noble, you still have to ask for my book
and sometimes they say it is out of print, but it is not And, it will be available soon, on Google if it is not, already.
Mommy says that she will most likely not be putting her books on Amazon.com because they want 55% discount off the cost of the book. She would have to raise the price of the book in order to support the Cleveland APL. She doesn't want to do that. But, she said that she will talk to them. Mommy says that every problem can be helped by talking directly to the person with whom you have a disagreement.
Thank you for having me on your Blog. I appreciate everything that you are doing for mommy, the Cleveland APL, and for me.
Rajah LeBeau
Thank you for barking with me today, Rajah :-) Everyone, please leave Rajah a treat in the comments!

Best of luck with your new book. There needs to be a growing awareness of the plight our our animal friends. The way we treat our animals is reflected in the way we treat the world-we have not done a great job. Love and Blessings to you and Rajah.
Hey Rajah, good to find you visiting Joyce. You are right on about Bullies and all the rest. Very smart dog, mom must be very proud of you. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us all.
It is so wonderful to have people like what mommy and I have to say. Thank you for coming and visiting.
Mommy gave me a website for my birthday. Please visit www.rajahbooks.com to sign my guest book.
Rajah LeBeau
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