Abiding Hope and Love
When troubles and trials of life
Like winds are howling around,
A place that is quiet and sheltered
Is what needs to be found.
As in the hurricane’s eye
The destructive winds cease,
So also within the soul
Is a haven of calm and peace.
When the winds of fear and hatred
Rage and roar along their course,
Through prayer their strength is weakened,
As faith subdues their force.
There’s a safe, secure retreat,
A place down deep inside,
The center of life’s storms,
Where hope and love abide.
Like winds are howling around,
A place that is quiet and sheltered
Is what needs to be found.
As in the hurricane’s eye
The destructive winds cease,
So also within the soul
Is a haven of calm and peace.
When the winds of fear and hatred
Rage and roar along their course,
Through prayer their strength is weakened,
As faith subdues their force.
There’s a safe, secure retreat,
A place down deep inside,
The center of life’s storms,
Where hope and love abide.

You will find words within this book even more beautiful than the cover. This poetry collection is filled with optimism, revealing hope and love that may be found throughout life. Included are poems about hope, love, children, music, the Bible and nature. Life is filled with difficulties and trials, and finding hope and love can help you to overcome these problems and find peace in your life.
Those are the words written on the back cover of Abiding Hope & Love. I would like to add that the words within this book will help you find a moment of calm in the chaos we know as life. You will find yourself in a place of beauty and serenity.

I was born in Texarkana, TX, and moved with my parents, Wesley and Lois Clark, and my sister, Kathy, to Anthony, TX when I was two. I grew up there until going away to college, where I met Tom (who is from Louisville, KY), stationed at Ft. Hood, TX. We were married the following year, and moved to New Orleans.
Our first house was in Slidell, LA, where our two children, Tom, Jr. and Lori, were born. From there we moved to Omaha, NE where our children finished middle and high school. After that, Tom & I moved to Winston-Salem, NC, where we still live. Both children are now married. Tom, Jr. & Kim live in Chicago. Lori & Josh are in Omaha and have three sons, Luke, 3 1/2, Noah, 2, and Jesse, born in June 2007. I have discovered the great joy of being a grandmother!
Music has always played a big part in my life. I was the organist/choir director at Christ Church in Slidell, then at St. Andrew's in Omaha was a substitute organist, choir member and children's choir director. I began writing music there, which was sung by both adult and children's choirs. That was how I began writing poetry, as text for music. Upon moving to Winston-Salem in 1996, I became inspired to write more poetry. Some of it has been shared at St. Paul's Church, and the young people recently sang an anthem I wrote. Another song I wrote was sung at Tom & Kim's wedding. Although most of what I have written is not set to music, all of my poetry has a musical, rhythmic quality.
In 1987 I was diagnosed with lupus, a chronic illness which forced a change in my life. The good that has come from it has been in being more open to God and being inspired, and in a greater understanding of the suffering of others. Many of my poems are influenced by that and express how important it is to rely on God and how God's love can sustain through the hardships of life. Having a book of my poetry published is a way to reach out to others in hopes of inspiring as I have been inspired, offering moments of beauty, as well as joy and peace.
Tomorrow, I will be sharing with you an interview I had with Connie. I know you will find her as pleasant as I do! I will also share her blog tour schedule with you tomorrow--so please watch for that. In the meantime, please leave a comment for Connie. I have an autographed copy of Abiding Hope & Love to give to one lucky winner. Not only does this make a wonderful book for yourself, but Mother's Day is just around the corner-and I can't think of a better present to give!
To order Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace or Abiding Hope and Love at a special discounted price using PayPal, with no added shipping, please visit the Web Store. Be sure to contact me with mailing address and how to personalize.
To order by mail, see below.
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Order Abiding Hope and Love from PublishAmerica
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To make a donation to the Lupus Foundation of America and receive a signed copy of either book, e-mail Connie or send a check for $14 for a signed copy of Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, $15 for a signed copy of Abiding Hope and Love or $26 for a copy of each, made payable to LFA, Winston-Triad Chapter and mail to 4280 Mashie Drive, Pfafftown, NC 27040. Please be sure to include the name with which to personalize each book.
Request at your local bookstore:
Abiding Hope and Love by Connie Arnold, PublishAmerica ISBN 1604742321
Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace by Connie Arnold, PublishAmerica ISBN 1424168589
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Hey, I know Connie!
But I did not know she also lived in North Carolina. (I'm in a small town east of Raleigh, Connie!)
L. Diane Wolfe
Hi Diane,
You aren't far from me at all (when I'm home, but right now I'm in Nebraska with daughter and grandkids). Thanks for stopping by.
Joyce, thanks for sharing this!
Connie is truly an inspiration. Not only her poetry, which I have read lots of and love, but also as a person. Good interview and post! I'm looking forward to hosting a stop on this tour on Free Spirit on the 27th.
Marvin D Wilson
Ah, the joys of being a grandparent. Music is poetry in motion and I can feel the rhythm of the poem posted. Being diagnosed with anything is cause to want a book of beautiful poetry. Being diagnosed as a grandparent makes a book such as this a must so that one can read those lovely words to the little one.
Thank you, Marvin, for such a lovely comment! I'm really looking forward to the Free Spirit visit on the 27th. It's definitely one of my favorite blogs!
Ron, I'm glad you felt the rhythm in the poem. I'm a musician, and I think it does come across in my poetry. Being a grandparent is certainly a joy, isn't it?
Enjoyed your poem, Connie, and the oppotunity to learn more about you. Grandkids are something else, for sure. I'm now in the great-grandkids column, so they do grow up fast. I look forward to your interview tomorrow.
Chester Campbell
Thanks, Chester. Wow, great grandkids, you have several generations of blessings in your family!
Hi Connie,
I enjoyed getting to know you a bit better through this first stop on your blog tour. We leave tomorrow on a week long trip and I'm not sure if I'll be able to follow you any of the days we're gone, but I look forward to playing catch up when I get home next week.
Sharon Reece
So pleased to see Connie's book listed here and really enjoyed reading her interview:-)
Sounds like a peaceful poem. We could use some of that peace these days.
Morgan Mandel
Sharon, I appreciate your taking time to stop by today. Have a great trip, and perhaps we'll meet again on another blog when you return!
Thank you, Mary, I'm so glad you stopped by and enjoyed it!
Morgan, you are so right that we do need more peace.
Thanks for stopping by and giving Connie your support everyone--and thanks for coming by Connie :-) Everyone here is entered in the drawing for a copy of Abiding Hope & Love
Those are beautiful words! I came back today just to read them again.
Charlotte, thank you for coming back to read the words again I'm so glad you found them to be beautiful!
Joyce, thank you for doing a drawing for a free copy of Abiding Hope & Love. I wish everyone could win!
What wonderful support everyone is giving here-I hope you have enjoyed learning more about Connie and her book. I'll be drawing a winner Friday to give everyone a chance to visit and comment :-)
Good luck to all in the drawing! Thank you so much again, Joyce, for sharing this and being an important part of my blog tour!
There’s a safe, secure retreat,
A place down deep inside,
The center of life’s storms,
Where hope and love abide.
Loved this ending. It brings peace and hope.
Hello from a fellow Texas girl.
Helen, I'm glad you felt the peace and hope in the poem! It's nice to know you are a fellow Texas girl.
What a beautiful poem. Love the write up. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always nice to hear from a friend.
Gwyn Ramsey
Hi Joyce,
"Abiding Hope and Love" is one of my favorite poems of Connie Arnolds. I am glad you chose this particular one to showcase her God-given talents. I love how her poetry can speak to your heart in whatever place you are at in your own personal journey. For me, her insightful words really helps me to stop and think about what's truly precious and important in this world.
Gwyn, thank you for stopping by, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem!
JoAnne, thank you for your sweet comment!
Joyce, I appreciate so much your sharing the poem and information about Abiding Hope & Love!
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