Sister Grace
Vern For President
Now for today's interviews-we have three!!!
Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
(Muttering to himself: I can't believe Kent talked me into this...) I'm Garn, and I'm a dwarf and one of the conspirators in the DragonEye, PI, novel, Magic, Mensa and Mayhem.
Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
I think I'll pass actually. Vern has told me about your Mundane concept of "spoilers" and has told me what he'll do to me if I provide any.
How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?
I don't really know what you mean by that. I didn't ask to be put in this book. I'd rather have not been mentioned at all, but I do have a key role in the whole case, so she couldn't have left me out, I suppose.
Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
I guess that would be Kent, my traveling companion for the convention. We'd actually just met before the trip. Don’t tell him, but at first, I was kind of excited to have him for a roommate. I'd heard a lot about his performance as Graf Goldhacker in The Day the Mine Ran Dry. Dwarf Entertainer gave it three diamonds. Anyway, he turned out to be quite shale--er, Mundanes would say, "a flake"? Thought he could dress like that Gimli character and roam the streets of BillyBeaver's Fantasyland spouting off lines get himself "discovered."
Still, got a heart of gold, he does. And he did eventually break into Mundane television. He was supposed to get a role on Atlantis until they canceled the show. Now he's got a role as the assassin in the movie Live and Let Fly.
Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
I think I'm done with adventuring, intrigue and getting on Vern's bad side. I've got my Faeriemet mine here in Faerie Australia and I'm happy.
What would you like our readers to know about you?
Only that I'm sorry the Mundane world got involved in what should have been Faerie scheming. It was a cultural misunderstanding, really.
Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
(Growling) My ancestors were right: never trust an Elf.
Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?
As in fear-for-my-life exciting? Probably the trip to Florida. On that abomination of a transport. Airships! Dwarves were meant to be underground, not in the air!
Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?
I should have been more casual about my pickax. I realize now my possessiveness drew attention to it.
What was your main motivation?
What every dwarf's motivation should be: a mine to call his own.
Introduce us to your main adversary?
Galendor. Uppity, politicizing, better-than-Elvish High Elf. If he hadn't set those--sorry. Spoilers.
Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?
I don't understand the question. She wasn't there. She just wrote down the story as Vern told it. Now what I would have liked to have done, but Vern stopped me, was take my pickax to Galendor's family jewels.
Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
If yer looking for the best Faeriemet in two universes, you'll find it at Garn's of the Outback. High quality, reasonable rates.
Oh, and I don't have any hard feelings toward Vern or Grace. They were just doing their jobs--and they made Gozon fulfill his part of the agreement and give me the mine he promised. Spent two days of talking him into it, too. That's actually pretty fast for a High Elf, amazingly fast considering it was Gozon.
Kent Strongforge
Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
Well, Milady, I prefer to be known by my stage name, Kent Strongforge, and I have a small but important role in Karina Fabian's Magic, Mensa and Mayhem and a bit part in Live and Let Fly.
Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
I play an idealistic dwarf with visions of escaping of his stifling Dwarvish heritage by pursuing an acting career in the Mundane movies. He joins Mensa and attends their World Gathering in Southern Florida, hoping to get his big break at Billy Beaver's Fantasyland; instead, he's becomes an unwitting player in an Interdimensional conspiracy.
How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?
I was a natural for the role.
Is your author easy to work with or controlling?
On the contrary; I had complete freedom to pursue my character. Of course, I could have hoped for more lines, but there are no small parts; just small actors.
Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
Ah, Burnhilde! Wonderful woman--such stage presence! And a joy to work with. She's occasionally come down to my little theater in Australia to take a part in a play or two. I'm sorry we don't share any scenes in Live and Let Fly.
Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
Well, as I said, I have a small part in Live and Let Fly. A couple of lines--forshadowing for the lovely Brunhilde, as a matter of fact. As for what the future holds? We'lljust have to see. My Mundane agent is working on some things in Hollywood, maybe Vancouver. I'd love a part in Sanctuary--I'm a great fan of Amanda Tapping.
What would you like our readers to know about you?
I'm a strong proponent for equal opportunity for all races--Fearie and Mundane--particularly those whose physical stature doesn't match the current Mundane standards of attractiveness. This is especially important in the entertainment industry.We hear a lot about the actresses who starve themselves, sure, but what about the actors who never get a chance at roles of substance because because they don't "measure up"--and I do mean physically?
I'm hoping in my career to break those barriers. I want roles of substance, sure, but I'd like to do something unexpected to--a lead in a heartwarming romantic comedy, one that doesn't poke fun at my height.
Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
Vern has a temper. Coors gives a terrible hangover. Brunhilde is--well, perhaps I shouldn't share that!
Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?
(Blushing) Nae. I couldn't really share that. It's all behind-the-scenes, anyway.
Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?
Obviously, I should have learned more about how the acting world really works in the Mundane, rather than just relying on the They Were Discovered Complete Acting Course for the Hopeful Thespian.
What was your main motivation?
My dear! I wanted to be discovered!
Introduce us to your main adversary?
I've no adversaries--unless you count that horrible manager at Billy Beaver's! He said I wasn’t convincing. I wasn’t convincing as a dwarf! Crushed me, he did.
Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?
I would have liked to have had a director rush to the bus in the end, declare that he saw my performance at Billy Beaver's Fantasyland, and want to sign me up for his next film. Alas. Can't have it all.
Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
Short men are sexy.
Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in?
I'm Princess Galinda Tavendor, and I'm in the novel, Magic, Mensa and Mayhem: From the Case Files of DragonEye, PI, by Karina L. Fabian.
Describe to our readers what your role in the book is.
My husband, the High Elf Galendor, and I attended a Mensa World Gathering along with several other Faerie beings. Of course, we were there for other business as well. What I didn't realize, however, was that my dear Galendor was harboring a terrible secret from me. If it hadn't been for Vern and Sister Grace...I, I just don't know... excuse me. Sniffle.
Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book?
Well, of course, my favorite friend in all my life is my beloved Galendor! He's so handsome and brave and attentive. He saved my life, you know. That story is in Firestorm of Dragons. However, my second favorite in this tale is Vern. He's a dragon detective, sent to chaperone the Faerie at the convention. He can be very gruff and grumpy, but inside he has a heart of gold. When he saw me crying in the hotel lounge, he came to see what was wrong and he's such a good listener. And when realized what had happened to my dear Galendor! Oh, Vern is just so smart and strong and--well, he's a dragon. He's magnificent.
Do you plan on appearing in another book or are you happy to be where you are?
Vern always seems to get me out of some kind of trouble, so if I have to be in a story, I'm just glad he's there to save me.
What would you like our readers to know about you?
Oh, what's there to know? I’m just your typical Faerie princess, classically trained: beautiful, wealthy, talented in the arts. A fair statesman, and I have great screen presence--Oprah's people told me that.
Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?
Yes. The importance of good communication and trusting one's instincts.
Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?
Well, it was only mentioned in passing, but we were on Oprah! We'd been invited to a special about "cultural differences and the modern couple."
Is there anything in your story you wish you had not done? Why?
Oh, I got a bit flustered when Gozon and Galendor and that awful dwarf got into a fight. I said some very unprincessy things. Quite embarrassing really.
What was your main motivation?
What is it for any Faerie Princess? True Love.
Introduce us to your main adversary?
Oh, that wouldn't be very diplomatic of me. They've been dealt with.
Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?
If you are purposefully or inadvertently addicted in any way, please, please seek help. Don't wait until it affects your relationships with the ones you love. And Faerie folk: stay away from products containing Scanatine. We still don't understand the full effects on non-human metabolisms. It's just not worth it.
Please come back tomorrow for more fun with Karina Fabian and Magic, Mensa and Mayhem!

As always, wonderful questions. This is a great way to meet everyone in Magic, Mensa and Mayhem. Great answers also.
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