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How to Be Marketable --Guest Post by Billie Williams

You guys have been awesome in your support this week!!!  Today, Billie has provided us with a guest post.  Tomorrow, I'll be posting a copy of the other blogs Billie has visited so you can check them out--and I'll be posting a book review.  Enjoy today's post :-)


by Billie A Williams

1. Define the ideal skill sets desired for your industry and then develop them through

education, reading, following a mentor or apprenticeships.

2. Be involved in continuing education –this keeps you competitive, desired. If there

is a skill you have offer to teach it at your company, your place of work, a local

community center or through a continuing education outreach program of a local

university or community college.

3. Be a leader. Take the initiative to act, to be a role model or a mentor for newbie’s.

Offer to take on new responsibilities, stretch yourself.

4. Promote yourself it is okay to show others what you are capable of. A resume lets

an employer see what you are capable of achieving. You are hired as much for his

vision as you are for your current skills. Use your desire to know how to do

something to motivate you to learn, accept challenges, or volunteer.

The formula for success according to Bo Bennett in his book Year to Success is:

Education + Inspiration + Action = Success

How can you better position yourself for success?

What time can you allocate to increasing your skills, testing them, practicing them?

How much money can you direct to furthering your education, skills, or practice of them?

Can you delegate some of your responsibilities to free up more time for you to pursue

your goals?

Can you increase your tolerance for risk?

Do what you can to move toward your goals.

“In whatever position you find yourself determine your first objective.” Marshal

Ferdinand Foch.

Once you have that objective in mind- you have a direction for your action.


Billie A Williams



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Anonymous said...

very good advice!

Unknown said...

Hello fellow bloggers - and tour host/hostesses!
I agree with Joyce you have been awesome in your support and I greatly appreciate it. I hope you find something worth thinking about to advance your own careers - and that you are inspired to be all that you can be.
Thanks Ron for visiting today and commenting.
Thanks Joyce for the wonderful job you are doing for me - your Rock!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. The suggestions encourage me to keep writing, which we all need at times.

Thanks Billie and Joyce.

Pee Wee

elaine cantrell said...

This is great advice, and it clearly works for you.

Unknown said...

Hi Again,
Pee Wee, Elaine thanks for stopping by. I so appreciate your support. And Joyce has put a lot of work into her posts so it's neat to see that appreciated.
Tomorrow I'll be working again (accidentally) so I'll be around early but not after one. So stop by and say hey anyway. I'll answer when I can.
Any questions please feel free to ask.

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