Donna Johnson –Phoenix, AZDonna Johnson is a multi-millionaire girl next door. She was raised in a blue-collar family in Wisconsin. Donna’s father left when she was 13 years old, and her mother was unable to care for the family. With four brothers, Donna was forced to grow up quickly and started searching for ways to help feed the family. Today, she lives a Dream Lifestyle and creates Dream Opportunities for others to share in her success.
Marilyn & Sarah Stewart –Alberta, CanadaMarilyn and Sarah Stewart are a mother-daughter team from Alberta, Canada. Marilyn is the mother of three beautiful daughters, including Sarah. At nine weeks of age, Sarah developed health problems, which precipitated Marilyn’s search for holistic solutions. She discovered fantastic health products through network marketing companies and started using them in her 30’s. As a consumer, she never thought that her company would launch her into millionaire status. Together they provide healthy solutions and business opportunities to others seeking time and financial freedom.
Susan Walsh- Columbia, SCAs the owner of a hair salon for over 27 years, Susan Walsh has always been an entrepreneur. For the past two decades, Susan has been a force to reckon with in the network marketing industry.She and Gary, her husband of 38 years, have lived a dream life with their children andgrandchildren. Although her story is a happy one, Susan had to overcome many challenges to be the successful businesswoman she is today. Success isn’t convenient yet Susan become a Millionaire with hard work and persistence! People flock to Susan to join her organization and learn what she shares so readily.
Author Contact Information for Interviews: Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM -
Below are but a few of the testimonials for Maureen:
YOUTube Testimonial for MGM by Patricia Fripp
Patricia Fripp is a Past President of the National Speaker’s Association and Expert in the field of Success Presentations. Ms. Fripp has been studying successful presenters for the past 30 years. She gives Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM, an unabashed recommendation!
Testimonial for MGM by Rita Davenport:
"Og Mandino, Zig Ziglar, Mark Victor Hansen, Danielle Kennedy, Patricia Fripp, Mary Lou Henner...have all graced the Arbonne Stage. Clearly one name that stands out among the list of who's who of International speakers is Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM! MGM has been one of Arbonne's highest rated speakers ever!If you want your evaluations to read "Smash Hit", "Bring her Back", "Changed my Life", "I can use the information in my business", then hire MGM. I highly recommend MGM as the #1 speaker to motivate and move your people to the next level."
Rita Davenport ~President Arbonne InternationalTestimonial for MGM by Ed Gray
"MGM made our theme, Creating Our Future~Together, Come Alive. It was truly exceptional the way MGM wove the specific challenges of our organization into her presentations. MGM made a lasting impact on our associates." Ed Gray, Jr.~Area VP, AT&T
Testimonial for MGM by Rex Etheredge
"I think the most meaningful part of MGM's presentation was her ability to tailor the presentation to our organization's needs. It was fascinating how she brought in examples of situations we are dealing with and used them to get her points across." Rex Etheredge~CEO Memorial Hospital Jacksonville
Testimonial for MGM by Nancy Carlisle
"In a competitive marketplace, MGM's wonderful 'attitude technologies' provided us with new skills, showed us ways to succeed, and taught us how to laugh! MGM left behind a strong legacy while positioning our bank as an institution that really cares about its staff and community." Nancy Carlisle~Corporate Director, Rhinebeck Saving Bank
If that isn't enough to get you excited, here is a video for you to watch:
and you can go here:
and here
to view two more videos!!
Finally, I'd like to share with you a brief piece Maureen wrote on being a natural networker:
How to Become a Natural Networker?
By Maureen G. Mulvaney, MGM
Most children are natural net workers. The minute we were mobile, we began making friends - on the playground, at the dentist’s office and in school. To reclaim your ability to network naturally, all you have to do is reclaim your childlike curiosity. It’s as easy as one, two, three.
1. Shift Your Perceptions of Networking. As children we heard “Don’t Talk to Strangers.” As adults, we are asked to attend networking events and accost strangers with our Business Cards. This isn’t natural. Our parents and teachers who didn’t want us talking to strangers encouraged us to make friends. Shift your artificial perception of networking to doing what you’ve been doing since childhood: meeting and making new friends.You must also shift your perception of where to meet your new friends. As kids, we networked anywhere there was another kid. Natural networking takes place everywhere there are people. Look at all the places you go during the day: dropping off kids at school, the grocery store, the airport, and the bank. View these places with a new set of eyes and make them your portable networking office. Make your office hours any time there is anopportunity to make a new friend.
2. Talk to Your ‘New Friend’ The easiest way to talk to a new friend is to ask questions and be genuinely interested. Children can’t help themselves from asking questions. As adults we must unleash our childlike curiosity. Psychology 101 teaches, “The one asking the question is in control.”'Take control of your destiny by asking questions. A simple, magic question that can start ameaningful conversation is, “You must love what you do, right?” To a new mother, you might say, “Oh, what an adorable baby, don’t you just love being a mom?” To a dentist, you might say: “Oh, you’re a dentist, you must love your work, right?” Ask the magic question in a caring manner and you’re new friend will respond openly and honestly. You will discover her needs or dissatisfactions. Either way, you have entry into a thoughtful conversation.
3. Make the Exchange. Once you have made a ‘new friend’, you’ll want to keep in touch. As kids, we just said, “Wanna come over to my house to play?” Friends naturally say, “Let’s Keep in Touch.” Askfor their contact information or business card. Simply say, “I’d like to keep in touch, got a card?”
Always carry business cards, and when you hear, “I don’t have a card,” say, “No problems, here’s one.” Because we’ve all been trained to make friends, most people will hand you their contact information without hesitation.
Natural networking is meeting and making new friends wherever you go, curiously asking questions and making sure you keep in touch. It’s exactly what you’ve done your whole life. Go out and make a new friend, today?
Maureen G.Mulvaney, better known as MGM, is the author of The Women’s MillionaireClub-the Traits and Patterns of Success of Women Millionaires of Network Marketing.
As an international professional speaker, MGM teaches small businesses How To Attract Paying Clients, Who Become Lunatic Fans, That Refer Others.To Contact MGM:Visit:
17 March 09-The Women’s Millionaire Club Book Launch Register at:
***The Women's Millionaire Club, by Maureen G Mulvaney, is being offered beginning on March 17th, 2009 at 12:01 am. We invite you to go to this page - - to access the order page and then go back to this page to access the bonus page. On the Exclusive Private Invite page, enter your order confirmation code. That will allow you to gain entry to the FREE Pot o' Gold Bonus Items.

Great and informative post - and love the new layout and look, Joyce. Took me a TENTH the time to leave a comment, also! :)
Great post. I agree that making friends is the easiest and fastest way to network.
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